Yesterday I just click this pic ,when I am wandering on my roof . I was sitting quietly and observing the sky the moment of sun and clouds ,change of the pattern of sky most probably this is the last best pic of 2019 the end of this decade I want to save this as a beautiful memory . whenever I feel sad depressed helpless happy powerfull amazing at that time I came to this place below the sky when sun's ray touching my body my  head my eye my skin and literally it touches my soul and my sadness depression all have been gone . Quietly I m observing the sky and thinking how wonderful god create this and what is our existence are we alone or some one like us is also exist in some other planet some other galaxy and I am definitely sure we are not alone may be now we don't know surely our technology is not that much advance but definitely after or before the century is completed we will find out new form of life in other galaxy in other solar system . Hopefully eagerly waiting for the moment when we will find them and may it help us to see the beauty of other planet share their knowledge technology living style or it cause a serious threat war destruction but it's only our fate we have to accept that ...........


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